How to have a lucid dream

Charles Hamel has a cool article which teaches you about lucid dreams along with how you can control them. To be able to do whatever you want in your dream which is not physically possible in the real world, that’s experiencing the ultimate in terms of freedom. A snippet is as follows.

Lucid dreaming means dreaming while you know that you are dreaming, and when you know you are dreaming within a dream you can also alter the dream course, with practice you can also develop full control over your dreams. You will be able to create anything the mind can imagine, change the environment even change your own appearance, have a chat with Abraham Lincoln or fly to the Grand Canyon.

Link: Charles Hamel
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Anonymous said…
Interesting blog!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for the link to my Blog. Lucid dreaming is a fascinating subject, but all too many times people miss the therapeutic effects it can have in our waking lives. People have used the technique to overcome fears they may have, Athletes use it to improve onfield performance, lets not miss the help it can have in our life versus entertainment purposes.

Again thanks

Spluch said…
Haven't tried it myself, but I do agree lucid dreaming is a fascinating subject!